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These websites give you a sample of my interests.
Maybe you’ll like them too…

Survival International
: www.survivalinternational.org
Defends tribal peoples around the world.

Human Origins: www.humanorigins.si.edu
The Smithsonian Museum’s link to research into human origins. Web search “origins of early humans” for other fascinating links.

Friends of the Los Angeles River: www.folar.org
Dedicated to protecting and restoring the Los Angeles River.

Malki Museum: www.malkimuseum.org
California’s first museum founded by Native Americans. Also home to Malki-Ballena Press.

Heyday Books: www.heydaybooks.com/about
Independent, non-profit press. Publishes many books by and about California Indians.

Rancho Los Cerritos: www.rancholoscerritos.org and
Rancho Los Alamitos: http://www.rancholosalamitos.com
Long Beach, California is fortunate in having two historic ranchos, both exceptionally well-maintained. Both are sources of local history and offer provocative lectures and activities.

Aquarium of the Pacific: www.aquariumofpacific.org
Another Long Beach attraction, the aquarium abounds with learning experiences. Its lecture schedule and weekend activities are first rate.

Long Beach Museum of Art: www.lbma.org
Museum of Latin American Art: www.molaa.com
Los Angeles County Museum of Art: www.lacma.org
Many images in my writing are inspired by visits to these art museums.

Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County: www.nhm.org
The 100-year-old museum has been newly updated and features a variety of gardens. The museum calls the gardens “the city’s new backyard."

  And on a more personal level

Read about my soon to be published novel.

Lagoon House Press: www.lagoonhousepress
Independent press that publishes works of literary merit.

In 2008, I was thrilled to visit East Africa’s Olduvai Gorge,
site of a two-million year old fossil record of early humans.


© 2016 Barbara Crane. All rights reserved

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